Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Shred Day 2- DIE Jillian DIE

Day2-Level1- I want Jillian Michaels dead. I hate her. She smiles whiles she works out! Who does that?? And she doesn’t even break a sweat! Meanwhile I am huffing and puffing and I look like I got run over by a truck in the first 4 minutes of the workout! I have never sweat so much in a 20 minute period in my whole life! And she calls me her buddy. I AM NOT YOUR BUDDY! I WANT TO JUMP THROUGH THE TV AND KILL YOU! My arms are so sore it hurt to brush my hair this morning, so much so that I seriously considered just not brushing it and putting it up in a pony tail. But putting it up in a pony tail would hurt just as bad as brushing it so I just went ahead and suffered through the pain of lifting my arm to brush my hair. 28 more days and this is over. I.CANT. WAIT! Although, I will say that Day 2 was slightly easier than Day 1. At the end of Day 1 I was laying on the floor at the end and couldn’t even get up, and at the end of Day 2 I could get up and go into the kitchen to get some water. Slight progress but I will take it.


Alabama Marmalade said...

WHAT IS THIS VIDEO? I want it! Where can I buy it! I love Jillian, she is a BEAST!

The Heath's said...

You can buy it on Amazon or even at Walmart. It is killer.

Alabama Marmalade said...

oh It's on like donkey kong!

Lydia said...

You can do it Kath! :)