Friday, January 8, 2010

I think I can I think I can

Day 4-Level1- I finally think I am getting the hang of this whole Shred workout. Well Level 1 anyways (I watched Level 3 last night and OMG I am not looking forward to that!). Level 1 is still very much of a challenge and I can't do all the reps of every exercise without feeling like my arms and legs are going to fall off, but I am getting a little better and have a little more endurance. I am planning on doing Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days, and Level 3 for 10 that means 6 more days of Level 1...I kind of don't want it to end because I know the REALLY hard stuff is coming. I just have to keep telling myself I think I can I think I can I think I can......


Alabama Marmalade said...

YOU CAN DO IT, Girl! If it makes you feel better.. those things where you bring your dumbells up to your eyes.. well, those things.. KILL ME and by the 10th one I usually cheat a little. I know, it bad but I just don't tink I'd be able to do it otherwise!

I am using 3 lb weights? How many lb weights are you using?!

Magen Quiroz said...

Kath... this is hilarious! love hearing about the progress. miss you.

Mommas Soapbox said...

You can do it! I might have to get inspired here......pull out the shred dvd and dust it off and give it a shot again...... It was a great work out for sure.

Good Luck! Keep up the good work!