Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fashion Tips...

My wonderful husband told me yesterday that mullets were now "in style". Hmmm not sure what fashion magazine he has been reading, but I have yet to hear that. He said thats because I was no longer "in" on the current styles. "So are you saying I am a nerd?" I said. "No. No. You just have older taste and mullets are in for the younger crowd." He is such a sweetheart. :) Tell me can this possibly be fashionable?


The Texas VicHorns said...

I hate to tell you this, but I think your husband is losing his mind! Mullets in style? Army Wives sucks? I think he needs therapy. YIKES!

OMG YOU HAVE A BLOG!!! Why did I not know this??? I am adding you to my links if that is permissable.

I am totally excited about this.

Magen Quiroz said...

kathy kath! i'm so glad you have a blog! what fun... yeah i would love to make bear a bib but i'm not sure it will have the same effect! hope all is well in the great city of mobile... loving you from Dallas!