Monday, March 24, 2008

Im gonna be famous....I think.

So a few weeks ago, Extreme Home Makeover came to Mobile. The house they were building was literally like 2 blocks away from ours. It was cool. Anyways my friend Deborah and I volunteeered and helped on the house and stuff, (ok we didn't really do much but we did walk around and accidently go into the VIP tent and have muffins and coffee, it was only when people started looking at us weird that we realized maybe we weren't supposed to be in there) because we "volunteered" we got to go back for the reveal when the family came home and everything (which BTW was SO COOL!) So anyways...Deborah and I decided that we were going to stand leaning up against the side of the house when they came home so we would get a good view and so we would be on tv and become famous.

So last night, the show aired. I was convinced I would have millions of people spot me on tv and call me telling me they had seen me as well as numerous people calling offering to make the next big movie star....ok not really but I was hoping I would see myself on tv b/c that would just be cool. So Tim and I made popcorn and sat down to watch the show that I have been anticipating seeing for so long. They get to the part where they pan the house after the family has seen it...and we were no where to be seen! There was this huge group of people standing there with us that they apparently cut out!

I was like what!!!!!!!!!! I was standing RIGHT THERE! Whatev, but the house is really amazingly cool. you can go to and watch the episode of the Gaudet family, and you will see it. I love that show!

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