Thursday, March 12, 2009

What I need....

This is a funny game. If you go to Google and type in your first name and the word needs, alot of funny stuff comes up.

This is what came up when I typed in 'Katherine needs':

Katherine needs....

1. ...another coat

Sure I would love another, even though in Alabama we don't wear coats too much. put on a Haloween mask.

Not sure how to take that.... learn how to pass notes.

This is true, whenever I would pass a note in school I almost ALWAYS got caught for some reason. have more dresses.

I agree completely.

5....a butt kicking.

I hope not.

6...Her morning coffee.

You have no idea.

7...a new couch.

Google is reading my mind. I think that every single day. put that snack down.

like down as in down in my stomach? I can definitly do that.

Thats about it, but it gave me a good laugh. Try it with your name. Just make sure you type it like this 'YOUR NAME needs'

Oh yeah, Tim and I just got back from an awesome trip to NYC. I will post pics soon!

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