How is it even possible that you are 9 months old Hadley???!!! Its going WAY too fast! You are becoming more and more fun everyday! As sad as I am to see the months pass by so quickly, this is definitely my favorite age thus far!
Here is what you are up to at 9 months old....
- You weigh 20.3 pounds (75th%) and are 28 1/2 inches tall (75th%)
- You wear size 3 diaper and 9-12 month clothes
- You have two bottom teeth and your two top teeth look like they are coming in any day now
- You talk ALL day long! You say "Da Da" the most but you also say "Ma Ma". "Yum Yum" and what sounds like "hey"
- You are crawling faster than I can catch you and pulling up on everything! You are so brave and will let go and only hold on with one hand while standing!
- You found the Tupperware drawer in the kitchen and love to pull everything out of it a million times a day!
- You are sleeping great! A morning and afternoon nap, and then 11-12 hrs at night
- You are a great eater! This month you have tired: Pineapple, Pureed Spaghetti, prunes, chicken, shredded cheese, zucchini, and Greek yogurt.
- You are getting good at picking up little bits of food and feeding yourself!
- Just recently you have started waving! Its so cute!
- You dance on cue! when we say "Dance Hadley Dance" or if you hear music you will start swaying back and forth. Love it!
- You LOVE the bath and would play in there for hours if I would let you! Your favorite thing to do is drink the bath water. Yummy! :)
- It is apparent you are understanding more and more of what we say to you and you know when you are not supposed to do something. For example, we tell you "No" when you try to pull off your bib. You now try to grab your bib to pull it off and then give us this look like you know exactly what your doing and you are going to see if you can get away with it! Stinker!
- You are SUCH a happy baby! We are SOOOOO thankful! You are easy to take places and just go with the flow really well!
We love you SOOOO much Hadley Grace!!
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