Hadley how is even possible that you are already 3 months old?! I can't believe it!!! These past 3 months have gone by entirely too fast and you are getting WAY too big! Slow down!
-You weigh around 15 pounds (guesstimate) and are 24 inches long!
-Still wearing size 1 Diaper
-Wearing 3 month clothes
-You are getting to be a GREAT sleeper! Praise the Lord!! You sleep 8-10 hours every night! Such a huge blessing!
-You are taking 2 good naps during the day. One from about 7:30AM-9AM and another from about 11AM-1PM. After that its kind of intermittent until you go to sleep around 7:30PM.
-I went back to work this month so your Gigi and Grammy have been taking care of you during the day. You have done SO great!!! I have missed you terribly though!
-You are still exclusively on breast milk, and eat about 5 oz per feeding.
-You have decided you hate your pacifier and would much rather suck on your thumb. It is so cute to watch you sleeping with your little thumb in your mouth!!!
- You have become much more social this month. You smile at us all the time, and talk and kick your legs constantly.
-You follow us around the room and turn your head when you hear our voices.
-You love to "stand" up and are getting great at holding your head up.
-You still love your bouncy seat and swing.
-You still love your bouncy seat and swing.
-You have discovered your hands and love to stare at them. You have also started grabbing things more and holding on to them.
-You also LOVE your bath! Yeah! Its so fun to watch you kick your legs in the water!
-You are such a happy, easy baby! We are so thankful!!!!
We Love you so much Hadley and cannot wait to watch you grow up...just slow it down a little! :)
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