11 months old! Just typing that makes me want to cry! How is it possible that you are almost ONE Hadley? I feel like we just brought you home from the hospital!
Here is what you are up to at 11 months...
-You weigh 22 pounds and are 29 inches long. I am pretty sure you are going through a growth spurt because clothes are getting tighter and you have been sleeping ALOT more lately.
- You are still in size 3 diaper, but that is only because we have them! As soon as we are out you are movin on up to a 4!
- You are wearing mostly 12 month clothes but a few 18 month bottoms ( thanks to your chunky thighs!)
- You have 5 teeth and are working on another!
-Still nursing 4 times per day and eating 3 meals plus a snack! You are eating alot more table foods which is SO nice!
- You are SO happy and laugh and smile all day long.
- You love to make people laugh. When you realize people are laughing at whatever you are doing you keep doing it over and over and over and over and laughing. Its hilarious!
- You can say several words including: bye-bye, yum-yum, hey, baby, mama, dada, and what sounds like 'brother' (what we call Bear).
- You love to clap your hands, point,wave, and dance! When we are listening to Kids Praise music you raise your hands like you are worshiping! Its is the SWEETEST thing ever! You also like to sing at the top of your lungs!
- You have stood on your own several times this past month for a minute or more but as soon as you realize you are doing it, or if you see us watching you, you slowly sit down. You are cruising around furniture and moving easily between things, so I know you will be walking in no time.
- You LOVE the bath and cry when we get you out.
- You love to go outside and you crawl over to the front door and bang on it like you are saying "take me outside!!!"
- You love to point at everything and you can point to the light and the fan whenever we ask you where it is.
- You LOVE your dada! When he comes home in the afternoons and you hear the door open, you stop whatever you are doing and crawl as fast as you can to the door saying, "dadadadadada". Its so sweet!
I don't think we could love you any more Hadley! You are a JOY and we are so grateful you are in our family! You have made these past 11 months the best months of my life! I love you with all of my heart!